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4 Results Found

Webinar: Crisis Standards of Care: The Risk Management Perspective - Part 2

Prepare for a Crisis Standard of Care Plan implementation, including new risks that may arise as resources become more scarce.

Webinars: Crisis Standards of Care: The Risk Management Perspective - Part 1

This webinar discusses how a Crisis Standard of Care (CSOS) impacts care provision, ultimately providing guidance on rationing of care.

Webinars: Crisis Standards of Care: The Risk Management Perspective - Part 3

Building on Part 1 and 2, review the next steps in defending cases that arise during the pandemic.

When Disaster Strikes: How to Maintain Continuity of Care

Hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires and other events of nature occur with little-to-no warning. During these natural disasters, communities continue to depend on hospitals for care. Our panel of health care leaders will share insights and tactics that helped their organizations respond effectively during some of the nation’s most challenging disasters.