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11 Results Found
Enhancing Patient Safety in Ambulatory Care: Physician Participation in Weekly Safety Huddles and Interactive Improvement Processes
Join us for an insightful webinar where we will explore strategies for empowering medical office teams to improve patient care and organizational effectiveness.
ASHRM Express
Complete ASHRM's Health Care Risk Management (HRM) Certificate Program, or develop your knowledge in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Patient Safety in Chicago this summer.
Patient Safety Structural Measure Education
Discover the critical Patient Safety Structural Measures Domains and attestations, and learn how to navigate potential roadblocks with practical strategies.
Scaling Communication and Resolution Programs: Achieving the Potential, Avoiding the Pitfalls
This presentation will discuss a national project that uses a multi-step process to develop, refine and implement Communication and Resolution Programs (CRP) metrics.
Best Practices for Balancing Transparency While Avoiding Liability Following the RaDonda Vaught Criminal Verdict
This webinar discusses the implications of the RaDonda Vaught trial and what risk management can do to support individual providers and help eliminate mistakes and workarounds.
Reduce Your Patient Fall Rates: Leveraging a “Bootcamp” Approach to Create a Culture Change
Gain a new set of tools and strategies to immediately put into action to engage a team in comprehensive patient fall rate reduction.
Reduce Your Patient Fall Rates: Leveraging a “Bootcamp” Approach to Create a Culture Change
Receive a new set of tools and strategies to immediately put into action to engage a team in comprehensive patient fall rate reduction.
Reducing Risk in Maternal Care: The Power of Personalizing Competency Development
Learn about AI tools that can help reduce adverse patient events through the lens of maternal care teams.
Practical Application of Proactive Safety: Evolving Our Approach
Join Dr. Brent Lee and Jenna Merandi as they outline how modern approaches can reduce patient harm.
Correctional Health Care Risks, Trends and Safety Concerns
Discover actionable insights to address the distinctive patient safety challenges and tap into significant public health opportunities presented by individuals in the correctional system.