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10 Results Found

Environmental Rounding Tool

This tool helps facilities managers apply the tactics of building system maintenance to infection control by identifying opportunities for infection risk during rounding.

ASHE ICRA 2.0™ Toolkit

ASHE ICRA 2.0™ includes several improvements and clarifications to help in prevention planning for construction projects.

Managing Water Safety for Construction Tool

This tool leverages existing core infection control risk assessment (ICRA) principles to establish a framework for water safety management during health care construction and renovation projects.

ILSM-ICRA precaution daily monitoring checklist

Compliance Tools
ILSM-ICRA precautions daily monitoring checklist

ASHE Bernhard TME Benchmarking Tool

Compliance Tools

Infection Prevention & Life Safety Checklist

Compliance Tools
Although the primary role of hospital engineering and maintenance staff is to service and maintain the building and equipment, it also plays an important role in preventing infections and other safety issues. By being constantly aware of their surroundings and watching for issues that can increase the risk of infection and other dangers, facility professionals can do even more to improve the safety of their buildings. This checklist provides a guide they can use as they walk through their facilities.

Health Care Facilities Management Data Nomenclature Standards

Classification schemas are designed to provide health care planners, designers, and operators with a common nomenclature, and to generate these benefits for health care facilities departments.

Weighing the benefits of UV disinfection for HVAC systems

While Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is not a new tool for disinfection, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought it to the forefront of discussions again. UV radiation, with sufficient intensity and contact time, can inactivate viruses and bacteria through three main approaches: air, water and surface. One of the applications of UV lamp includes being used in HVAC systems.

Resource Scheduling Tool

Allocating project resources made easy with ASHE's resource scheduling tool. Join ASHE for access to this valuable tool. Sign up today!