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16 Results Found

Making the Business Case for Using the ASHE HFCx Process for Health Facility New Construction & Reno

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Mark Kenneday and Ed Tinsley

Lean Application for All Project Delivery Methods

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speaker: Mark Linenberger, Spencer Seals and Stewart Trapino

Hybrid Operating Rooms: The Challenge for Planning, Design and Construction

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Terry Miller and Lynne Ingle

An Owner-Driven BIM to FM Strategy: “Begin with the end in mind"

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Kenneth Kaiser and Shrimant Jaruhar

iSpy - Identifying Issues within the Patient Room

Compliance Tools
In this video a nurse enters a patient's room to check on the patient during typical rounding. Can you identify the infection control, life safety, and environment of care issues?

iSpy - Identifying Issues in a Patient Corridor

Compliance Tools
In this video an environmental services employee accesses his cart and proceeds to clean the patient corridor.

iSpy - Identifying Issues Surrounding the Nurse's Station

Compliance Tools
In this video a nurse's station is very active during a typical day. Can you identify the infection control, life safety, and environment of care issues?

iSpy - Identifying Issues within a Clean Storage Room

Compliance Tools
In this video a clean storage room is closely examined. Can you identify the infection control, life safety, and environment of care issues?

Methodology for Analyzing Environmental Quality Indicators (EQIs)

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Speakers: Damon Greeley, Thomas Gormley, Troy Markel, Jennifer Wagner