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19 Results Found
The Pandemic-Resilient Hospital: How Design Can Help Facilities Stay Operational and Safe
This report from HKS and Arup, with peer review and collaboration from ASHE walks through design strategies that can help facilities stay operational and safe during a pandemic.
Using the Health Care Physical Environment to Prevent and Control Infection: A Best Practice Guide to Help Health Care Organizations Create Safe, Healing Environments
Using the Health Care Physical Environment to Prevent and Control Infection: A Best Practice Guide to Help Health Care Organizations Create Safe, Healing Environments
2010 Operations and Maintenance Benchmarks for Health Care Facilities Report
First significant benchmarking effort in health care facility management operations based on information collected by IFMA and ASHE
2013 Advocacy Report
This 2013 ASHE Advocacy Report features articles on the unique hospital environment, improving codes and standards, and ways to get involved.
Monograph: The Environment of Care and Health Care-Associated Infections: An Engineering Perspective
This monograph explores the role of the health care environment in infection control, provides information on common pathogens, and gives details on strategies to reduce health care-associated infections.
Monograph: Operating Room HVAC Setback Strategies
Operating room setback is a proven energy-saving strategy for hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. This paper presents possibilities and question to ask to determine a facility's approach.