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7 Results Found
HPOE Guide: Improving the Patient Experience Through the Health Care Physical Environment | ASHE
Energy Conservation Measures: A Support Handbook for Facilities Management Teams
ASHE has developed 52 actionable ECMs in eight categories to help facilities management teams better manage energy use and advance your health care facility’s sustainability journey.
ASHE: HCAHPS Scores, the Patient Experience, and the Affordable Care Act from the Facility Perspecti
This monograph introduces the HCAHPS program and describes improvements health care organizations have made to increase patient satisfaction.
Succession Planning: Preparing for the Future of Your Facility and Your Career | ASHE
This monograph shows health care facility managers how to conduct succession planning for their departments and shows individuals in all positions how to develop a path for personal career development.
Promoting the Value of the Facility Department to the C-Suite | ASHE
This monograph presents strategies facility professionals can use to develop relationships with hospital leaders and show the value of their work. The monograph includes real-world examples of facility professionals who have successfully shown the value of their departments to organizational leaders.