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23 Results Found

NFPA seeks comments on proposed cybersecurity requirements

ASHE is helping to gather feedback on a newly proposed cybersecurity chapter planned for the 2027 edition of NFPA 99

5G investment boosts connections beyond hospital

Network expansion supports Boston Children's Hospital's mobile and virtual care expansion efforts

Wearable devices call for investment in wireless infrastructure

Building the wireless infrastructure necessary for real-time health care monitoring can significantly improve patient outcomes

3G phaseout could leave critical hospital technologies at risk

5G network rollout threatens connectivity of older systems

VA expands 5G coverage capabilities

The 5G infrastructure will help support mobile-to-mobile connectivity between medical devices

Early 5G deployments poised to transform health care delivery

VA Palo Alto and Emory Healthcare update tech infrastructure to maximize connectivity and unlock new capabilities

Smart tech creates seamless experience for nervous patients

The David H. Koch Center is fitted with technology to decrease patient stress and wait times

NYU Langone connects technology to patient care mission

The new Helen L. and Martin S. Kimmel Pavilion integrates technology into every facet of care

Parkland reconfigures lighting system to improve patient throughput

The hospital partnered with Toyota to implement simple, but effective, processes in its emergency department

Tech talk: Digital hospitals, telemedicine in rural Texas and top medical device hazards

Groups collaborate to ensure high-quality health care across the U.S.