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8 Results Found
Combating Human Trafficking Q&A: Curt Kirschner
Melinda Hatton, AHA general counsel and one of the executive sponsors of the AHA’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative, interviews Curt Kirschner, partner and a leader of Jones Day’s Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force, to discuss the partnership working to expand hospital leadership in the fight against human trafficking.
Combating Human Trafficking Q&A
Melinda Hatton, AHA general counsel and executive sponsor for HAV, interviews Hanni Stoklosa, MD, MPH, emergency medicine physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and co-founder, Executive Director of HEAL Trafficking, to discuss the current state of anti-trafficking efforts and how health system play a role in reducing health disparities among victims of sex and labor trafficking.
Regional One Health | Tennessee
Founded in 1829, Regional One Health is the oldest health system in Tennessee. With an acute care hospital and several specialty and outpatient facilities across Memphis, Regional One Health cares for some of the most traumatic and complex cases in the region.
Building a Safe Workplace and Community
In 2021, the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence (HAV) Advisory Group developed the Building a Safe Workp
Legal Requirements for Reporting and Education for Human Trafficking and Health Care Providers
As part of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative, the AHA, Jones Day and HEAL Trafficking have come together to provide resources to health care providers across the nation who are fighting the global scourge of human trafficking.
Hospitals Against Violence Case Study Detroit Life Is Valuable Everyday (DLIVE)
Detroit Life is Valuable Everyday (DLIVE) was created to address a significant medical issue in its commu-nity: Homicide is the number one cause of death for Detroit residents ages 15 to 34, and violent injury recurrence rates have been reported to be as high as 30 to 45 percent at several trauma centers.
Protocols & Guidelines to Combat Human Trafficking
Dignity Health releases human trafficking response resource for hospitals, May 2017