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3 Results Found

VHA Shark Tank Competition Generates Innovative Health Care Solutions

Improving response to sepsis, reducing emergency department (ED) visits, standardizing communication in the operating room (OR) and streamlining patient alerts were among the winners of the 2023 VHA Shark Tank Competition at last week’s annual VHA Innovation Experience in Washington, DC.

Innovative Appointment

David Shulkin, the former U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs secretary, will become chief innovation officer and a strategic advisor at Sanford Health, Sioux Falls, S.D. He will focus on research and Sanford's Imagentics, Chip, Profile and World Clinic.

A Budding Opportunity to Advance Health Care Innovation for Veterans

In an effort to advance ideation and expand collaboration to improve health care, the Veterans Health Administration Innovation Ecosystem Innovators’ network (iNET) has launched the Greenhouse initiative. Health care innovators outside the VA now will be able to collaborate directly with iNET sites across the country to connect with a pool of engaged and equipped front-line health care professionals, millions of end users and more to design future health care solutions.