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24 Results Found

Integration of Care: Reducing Barriers to Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Mary Thompson, president at Trillium Place and member of AHA’s Committee on Behavioral Health, shares her experience working in the largest mental health and addiction recovery organization in central Illinois.

OIG report finds just 40% of Medicare enrollees who started treatment for opioid use disorder continued

The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General Feb. 18 released a report that found about 40% of Medicare enrollees who began opioid use disorder treatment with buprenorphine continued with it for at least six months in office-based settings.

DEA and HHS delay implementation of buprenorphine final rule

Today the Drug Enforcement Administration and Department of Health and Human Services announced that the effective date for the final rule regarding telemedicine prescribing of buprenorphine will be delayed from Feb. 18 to March 21.

SAMHSA awards $1 million grants to 15 participants in Medicaid behavioral health program 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Jan. 7 announced it will award $1 million grants to 14 states and Washington, D.C., to take part in the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Medicaid Demonstration Program. The program provides states with sustainable funding to help them expand access to mental health and substance use services.

CMS announces state participants in innovative behavioral health model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today announced M

AHA podcast: Thinking Outside the Box to Reduce Behavioral Health Stigma and Disparities 

Matthew Hoag, director of integrated behavioral health at Denver Health, shares how the organization is innovating through integration to meet the behavioral health needs of its communities.

AHA receives CDC grant to address opioid, stimulant use disorder and expand infection prevention resources 

The AHA Oct. 24 announced it has been awarded a nearly $1.5 million grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of its National Partners Cooperative Agreement. The funding will support hospitals and health systems in their efforts to address opioid and stimulant use disorder along with infection prevention and control.

Hundreds of hospitals recognized as clinical well-being champions 

The Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes’ Foundation Sept. 24 recognized 34 licensure boards and 375 hospitals for changing invasive and stigmatizing mental health questions in their licensing applications. 

AHA blog: Reducing Barriers to Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment 

Mary Thompson — a member of AHA’s Committee on Behavioral Health and president of Trillium Place, a mental health and addiction recovery organization affiliated with Carle Health — explains how the Illinois-based organization works to integrate physical and behavioral health services to improve access to care among historically underrepresented communities and eliminate health disparities.

SAMHSA awards grants supporting behavioral health services for children and adults 

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration July 24 announced it is awarding $45.1 million in grants toward various behavioral health initiatives.