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6 Results Found
Integration of Care: Reducing Barriers to Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Mary Thompson, president at Trillium Place and member of AHA’s Committee on Behavioral Health, shares her experience working in the largest mental health and addiction recovery organization in central Illinois.
A Strong Step on Enhanced Mental Health Parity Regulations
For years, many commercial health insurers treated coverage for mental health or substance use disorders (SUD) very differently than for medical and surgical benefits.
Chairman’s File: Expanding access to behavioral health care
During Mental Health Month, let’s all remember that caring for the whole person improves health and saves lives.
How Respectful Dialogue Can Reduce Mental Health Stigma
This month we celebrate National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, so it is appropriate that we consider the impact of our words as we work to reduce the stigma around mental health issues.
Chair File: Working with Our Communities to Stem the Opioid Crisis
The opioid epidemic has been an incredibly challenging public health crisis in communities across our country. And it’s clear the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the challenges.
Chair File: A Governor Speaks Frankly about Opioid Misuse
Gov. Northam understands that any meaningful discussion of overcoming the opioid problem must go beyond listing programs or citing statistics.