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3 Results Found
UK Healthcare | Kentucky
UK HealthCare has been serving Lexington and its surrounding communities since 1962. Home to a Level I Trauma Center and a Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, UK HealthCare is committed to ensuring that every Kentuckian, no matter how sick they are, has access to quality care.
Members in Action Case Study: Norton Maternal Opiate and Substance Treatment (MOST) Program
Norton Healthcare serves the Louisville and Southern Indiana market. Its 373-bed Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital includes a maternal-fetal medicine program and Level III neonatal intensive care unit.
UnitedHealth Deal Expands PBM Reach
UnitedHealth Group, the nation's largest health insurer, and Genoa Healthcare, one of the nation's largest pharmacy chains, are teaming up in a move that could bring significant cost savings and improved operational efficiency in caring for psychiatric patients and those with substance use disorders.