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13 Results Found
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Patient Care, Performance Improvement, and Risk Mitigation
This webinar is essential for health care professionals, administrators, and decision-makers who wish to stay ahead of technological advancements and improve their health care delivery through the power of AI.
Health Care’s Tipping Point: We’re Ready for AI. Aren’t We?
This webinar takes a look the emerging roadmap between health systems, the supply chain, clinical and finance teams and AI. Leverage available tools and technology to improve current processes and explore future possibilities.
Managing the Workforce with AI
Join this thought-provoking discussion led by a panel of clinical and technology experts with demonstrated success in assessing, implementing, integrating and adopting AI workforce management capabilities. Our presenters will share case studies, success stories and best practices to guide your health care organization.
Revolutionizing Revenue Cycle Management Efficiency with Artificial Intelligence
Join this panel discussion to learn how AI technology solutions can help provider organizations overcome staffing challenges in critical revenue cycle management (RCM) areas to respond more efficiently and effectively to payer denials.
FY 2025 Inpatient Prospective Payment System Proposed Rule Member Webinar
In this webinar, AHA Policy staff Shannon Wu, Tammy Love, Stephen Hughes, and Akin Demehin delved into the key provisions outlined in the
Shifts In Digital Care Delivery & Implications To Patient Safety
In Session I, we explored the implications of digital transformation in health care delivery models.
Knock Out the Noise on Artificial Intelligence
The global state of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care is moving toward systemic reinvention, not just innovation. At the same time, health care finds itself in an unprecedented moment of strain. Enterprises are excited to experiment and transform, but they face serious risk of taking action without discipline or focus on measurable value. Join us as we take a deep dive on these topics with our panel of executive, clinical and administrative leaders who will talk about best practices, challenges and how we can usher in the future of health care together.
Cybersecurity In Health Care | AHA Affinity Forum
Join the AHA and Censinet for a 3-part series of interactive virtual panel discussions on key aspects of cybersecurity in health care.
Integrating Cybersecurity & Board Governance
Session III concentrates on board governance and the importance of integrating cybersecurity into organizational strategies.
Evaluating the Impact of AI in Health Care Cybersecurity
In Session II, we delve into cyber transformation in the age of AI, evaluate both the benefits and the risk of the use of generative AI.