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AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan | Center

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4 Signs That This Might Be a Stronger Year for Digital Health Funding

For 2025, a rebound may be in store for investments in digital health startups, according to a recent survey report from Summit Health Advisors.

‘Living Intelligence’ — Why It’s Time to Look Beyond AI in Health Care

Living intelligence systems can sense, learn, adapt and evolve through the use of AI, advanced sensors and biotechnology, and C-suite leaders should become familiar with it.

Reader's Choice: Our 10 Most Popular Market Scan Articles in 2024

AHA’s Market Scan has provided news and insights on topics that are disruptive and innovative in the field. Here are the top 10 most-read articles from 2024.

5 Innovative Solutions from AHA’s Leadership Summit

AHA Leadership Summit in San Diego unveiled presentations from five health care startups that are addressing health care’s most complex and pressing challenges. The featured companies are backed by the AHA as part of its initiative to invest in and support the development of needed innovations for the field.

4 Habits of Highly Reliable Health Care Organizations

The authors of a recent Harvard Business Review report argue that care delivery systems need fixing far more than the people who work in these systems. Health care leaders must account for the strains on the workforce of poorly designed and unoptimized systems and create systems-focused improvement programs that everyone owns together.

5 Innovative Efforts to Improve Community Health

Collaboration is key to improving community health. And if you’re looking for inspiration to excel in this area, look no further than this year’s AHA Dick Davidson NOVA Award winners.

Advance Your Innovation Strategy at the AHA Leadership Summit

Health care leaders looking for ways to build more innovative organizations, advance health equity and create a more resilient culture will find a wealth of learning opportunities at the AHA Leadership Summit July 21-23 in San Diego.

The Disruptors Are Getting Disrupted — 5 Takeaways

Walmart’s announcement last week that it will close its 51 health centers in five states and exit virtual care services stunned many observers.

Can Hospitals Create Better Digital Health Startups?

The startup incubation studio Aegis Ventures recently gained some important backers, including Northwell Health, Novant Health, Ochsner Health and Stanford Health Care, for its model to co-develop, invest in and deploy tech solutions that address health care’s most pressing quality, equity and cost problems.