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2025 Environmental Scan

The 2024 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.

Assessing the Health Care Environment for 2025

The AHA Environmental Scan contains data, surveys, trends, thought leadership and educational resources, illustrating some of the top issues facing the field, including workforce, financial stability, care delivery transformation and greater value. This scan can help leaders plan for the future of their organizations and consider ways the field can move forward together.

Prepare for Shifts in Alternative Care Settings

With the effects of COVID-19 expected to continue for some time, providers can expect many of the trends that developed over the past two years to continue. Care delivered in alternative settings to hospitals, for example, is expected to increase considerably before the decade closes.

Strategic Planning Imperatives for the Path Forward

The AHA’s recently released 2021 Environmental Scan provides key data and insights on the current operational landscape and is designed to help leaders maneuver the rough road ahead.

Tap These AHA Resources to Prepare for Changes in 2020 and Beyond

From access to care to innovation to affordability and value to consumer engagement, 2020 will be another year of great change for health care. Hospital and health system leaders, their staffs and boards can get a jump on charting their strategic course for next year and beyond with help from the AHA 2020 Environmental Scan.

Bridging Worlds: The Future of the Heathcare Strategist

The inspiring “Bridging Worlds” roadmap is just one of many resources SHSMD offers its members in healthcare planning, marketing, communications, physician relations, and business development.

FutureScan 2018-2023: Healthcare Trends and Implications (PowerPoint)

Download the 2018-2023 report. In the new environment, leaders must stay abreast of the trends highlighted in Futurescan to successfully move ahead on the long road toward value-based healthcare.