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52 Results Found

Toolkits for Risk Management Professionals

Tools, resources and reference materials to assist health care risk management professionals address common problems and improve their risk management programs

Journal of Health Care Risk Management - ASHRM

A quarterly peer-reviewed journal featuring research, trends, and new developments in the field of health care risk management accessible to ASHRM members.

ASHRM Publications Bookstore

Explore ASHRM's comprehensive publications on risk management. Stay updated with the latest tools and procedures to reduce risk in health care. Preview textbooks and playbooks.

ASHRM Journal CE: Creation of root cause analysis and action (RCA²) standard work

Continuing education opportunity for the Q1 2025 Issue of the Journal of Health Care Risk Management

Meet our Preferred Cybersecurity Providers | Cybersecurity | Center

Our cyber adversaries are agnostic and collaborative in their approach — they assist each other to develop and launch malware and ransomware attacks against health care.

Preferred Physical Security Providers | DEV

The AHA Preferred Physical Security Provider is part of AHA’s commitment to support members to protect the physical welfare of patients and workers

ASHRM Journal CE: Beyond error: A qualitative study of human factors in serious adverse events

Continuing education opportunity for the Q4 2024 Issue of the Journal of Healthcare Risk Management

ASHE Core Competency Framework™

ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Core Competency Framework charts out key skills of health care facilities management, and offers education, resources and tools to help professionals fill knowledge gaps in each area.

Public Trust and Accountability: Member Engagement

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