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37 Results Found

Forget About the Metaverse: Patient Experience IRL is the Immediate Opportunity for Health Care

While there are many operational and industry challenges to contend with, the solutions must start with the Voice of the Consumer to ensure activation + engagement.

The Future of Virtual Care: Solving Provider Frustrations and Patient Expectations

This webinar, based on original research conducted by Optum, will discuss past, current and predicted use of telehealth.

Strategies to Reach the Active and Passive Consumer | Recording

Join this discussion to learn how to activate both active and passive consumers, and nudge them to take the best next action when and where they need it.

Using Consumer Industry Science to Turbocharge Your Hospital Marketing | Recording

This webinar provides an overview of psychographic segmentation and a proven model for influencing health care consumer decisions and behaviors.

From @Home to Care Anywhere: Intentional New Strategies and New Market Opportunities

This webinar highlights the potential of Care Anywhere, the value to a health care organization & the state of technology to support care delivery.

Personalize Marketing and Patient Engagement Like World Leading Retailers

During this webinar, they will show how to understand potential patients as consumers, new market research on what drives hospital and health system choices and how to personalize marketing just like world-leading retailers

#Let'sGetSocial: What is the Risk of Social?

This webinar emphasizes the importance of collaboration between Risk Management and Marketing/Communications teams in health care organizations to effectively mitigate social media risks.

SHSMD Member Meet Up: Getting Creative with Recruitment

Join us for SHSMD’s next “Member Meet Up”. For SHSMD members only, join your peers across the country to discuss key topics and issues, and solve problems together. We are starting the year with the topic of “Getting Creative with Recruitment”.

SHSMD Member Meet Up: What Keeps You Up at Night? | Recording

SHSMD members joined their peers across the country to discuss key topics and issues, and solve problems together. The topic of SHSMD’s inaugural Member Meet-up was “What Keeps You Up at Night?" View the full recording here.

Navigating Response and Recovery with a Digital Front Door Platform | Recording

This presentation demonstrates how Piedmont’s outstanding digital front door platform creates a patient-centric, hassle-free experience that will guide the system’s recovery to the new normal of health care.