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9 Results Found

From "Survival Mode" to Flourishing

Benjamin Kenyon will re-present his highly-rated presentation from Exchange23 on the topic of significant staffing challenges and increased workload EVS departments experience.

Striking a Balance: Mastering Cost Management in Health Care Supply Chain

This on-demand session was presented at the Spring Summit: Transformational Excellence.

Beyond Costs: Improving the Financial Performance of Your Health Care Organization

This on-demand session was presented at the Spring Summit: Transformational Excellence.

EVS Algebra Refresher

Algebra is a foundational skill that most EVS leaders will find themselves needing to utilize multiple times throughout their career. The CHESP certification exam requires knowledge of algebraic equation solving, and this webinar provides a quick refresher for those preparing to take the exam.

Reduce Financial Risk, Variation by Building Supply Chain Resiliency

In this panel discussion, you will hear from industry experts in financial, clinical, supply chain and risk management on their approaches to this critical issue.

Budget Reduction Strategies

Making budget reduction decisions is inevitable. Utilize other strategies to ensure a reduction in force is a last resort.

EVS Staffing: What’s the Solution?

AHE’s all-new, updated Staffing Methodologies Course and Calculator Bundle provides a deeper dive into the components needed for appropriate EVS staffing. Attend this webinar to hear how to use the Staffing Calculator as a tool to reach appropriate department staffing levels.

Planning Marcom Budgets “By the Numbers”: Preliminary Findings from SHSMD Benchmarking

This webinar is designed to share preliminary aggregate data on those hospitals who have submitted complete data for SHSMD’s 2021 By the Numbers MarCom Benchmarking and how that compares to prior years.

Addressing Debt Covenant Challenges with Kaufman Hall Webinar Recording

The AHA recorded this webinar on June 17 at 2 p.m. ET. Speakers from Kaufman Hall provided a comprehensive and in-depth guide for hospitals to help them assess and manage compliance with their bond covenants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The AHA moderated this conversation and attendees were able to ask questions in advance and during the presentation.