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15 Results Found
Pushing the field forward
AHE President discusses the organization's newest initiatives to help improve EVS departments of every size
Infection prevention researcher paves the way
Leading researcher Andrew Streifel reflects on the strides made in infection prevention during his 50-year career
AHE president discusses EVS and the pandemic
Brad Winnie reflects on the past year and how AHE has provided critical thought leadership for EVS and infection control
Paving the way to success for all EVS professionals
AHE President Brad Winnie discusses how the association leads the way in elevating the role of environmental services
Health care uncertainty brings challenges to EVS
AHE President Pam Toppel discusses state of the EVS profession and challenges ahead
AHE president leads in a clear direction
Pam Toppel discusses how the health care environmental services field has evolved
From the utility room to the executive suite
Thomas J. Fitzgerald III, CHESP, talks about his journey from environmental services to director of VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Working for a safer, healthier care environment
AHE Executive Director Patti Costello on challenges for those who clean and maintain care facilities
Holding textile laundering to a higher standard
HLAC President John Scherberger, FAHE, CHESP, REH, on improving safety for all who come in contact with hospital linens