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7 Results Found

Workplace Hospital Waste Streams – Managing What Goes Out the Back Door

This document briefly examines the current state of the industry, and considers the identification and implementation of improved waste management practices. 

Leveraging Technology to Hire for Fit and Create an Environmental Culture of Care

Technical Paper
Studies have shown that emphasis should be placed on adequately training environmental service workers and providing timely feedback on the thoroughness of cleaning by using fluorescent marking or ATP methods. By identifying the connectors and promoters from the front-line staff and focusing them on creating a culture of care and trust, we can take the organic approach to change and improved performance.

Drugs and the DEA

Magazine & Journal Articles
The abuse of prescription drugs, particularly controlled substances regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as “drugs of abuse,” has reached epidemic proportions, exceeding that of traditional illicit drugs in all cases except marijuana. Congress passed the Safe and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010 that amends the Controlled Substances Act to enable additional methods for the management and disposal of unwanted consumer-controlled substances.

Finding Your Road to Sustainability

Magazine & Journal Articles
There are many benefits to Green Cleaning, and these benefits have become more apparent in recent years as a result of documentation and scientific evidence.

Sustainability and Compliance

Magazine & Journal Articles
To AHE members at the EXCHANGE 2012 conference, Laurie Leon, director of materials management at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, highlighted that 90 percent of hospitals could not readily pull together cost and weight data for their waste streams. This reality can lead to financial pressure.

AHE 2017 Webinar: Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals

Presenters from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provide information on the Proposed Rule: Management Standards for Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals.

AHE 2018 Webinar: Introduction to Solid Waste Management

This session explores the identification of waste streams common to health care facilities.