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33 Results Found

ASHE Management Monographs

The ASHE monographs cover single topics in clinical/biomedical engineering, facility engineering, design and construction, and safety and security management.

ASHE: Mgt Mono - Quantifying Hospital Cord Connected Plug Loads in Inpatient Areas

The study compares anticipated plug load with energy intensity data provide guidance for designers in estimating a facility's design load.

Monograph: The Environment of Care and Health Care-Associated Infections: An Engineering Perspective

This monograph explores the role of the health care environment in infection control, provides information on common pathogens, and gives details on strategies to reduce health care-associated infections.

Monograph: Operating Room HVAC Setback Strategies

Operating room setback is a proven energy-saving strategy for hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. This paper presents possibilities and question to ask to determine a facility's approach.