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Building and Implementing an Artificial Intelligence Action Plan for Health Care
Health care artificial intelligence action plan defines people, process and technology essentials, ROI, and AI use cases to transform care delivery.
How Health Care Is Evolving to Improve the Patient Experience
Michael Anne Kyle, R.N., MPH, Ph.D., an intensive care unit nurse and health policy expert, is leading a critical mission to simplify U.S. health care. Her research shows that patients often face “invisible costs” of time, stress and financial strain while trying to navigate the system.
4 Things That Health Consumers Want Now
The recently released third installment of the 2024 National Consumer Survey Series from Jarrard Inc., a Chartis Company, explores what leads patients to choose providers, how patients want to access care and what they want in their relationship with providers.
4 Ways New High-Tech Valley Health Facility Will Redefine Patient Experience
Valley Health will tackle a huge challenge in April that it has been anticipating for some time. In a single day, all patients from its Ridgewood, New Jersey, hospital will be moved to the new high-tech Valley Hospital in Paramus.
How Hospitals Are Paving the Way to the Future
As a follow-up to our report last week on the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, Maryjane Wurth, AHA executive vice president and chief operating officer, recently shared key takeaways from presentations by providers, technology firms, payers and others.