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7 Results Found

Journal of Health Care Risk Management - ASHRM

A quarterly peer-reviewed journal featuring research, trends, and new developments in the field of health care risk management accessible to ASHRM members.

Publications & Resources

Enhance your risk management knowledge with ASHRM's publications and resources. Find solutions, concepts, and strategies from industry leaders. Start browsing now!

Health Care Risk Management Fundamentals

ASHRM foundational textbook covering the essentials of health care risk management, with chapters on patient safety, risk financing, the legal & regulatory environment, and more.

Patient Safety Risk Management Playbook

Gain the knowledge to promote an enterprise risk management program that enhances patient safety and demonstrates added value.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Resources

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) provides a framework for achieving safe, reliable health care, and is a key ASHRM initiative in its mission to promote safe and trusted health care.

Enterprise Risk Management Playbook, Second Edition

Learn concepts, strategies, and tools for developing a new Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program or advancing an existing program.

Leading Health Care Risk Management

Workbook lends structure and support for risk managers entering a new role, with guidance on the questions to ask and relationships to build.