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Senate reauthorizes Emergency Medical Services for Children Program
The Senate Dec. 10 unanimously passed legislation reauthorizing the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program (H.R. 6960) for an additional five years.
Coalition report highlights the unique role of hospitals
A new report from KNG Health Consulting and released by the Coalition to Strengthen America’s Healthcare highlights the unique role of hospitals in providing around-the-clock emergency and specialty care for communities.
Fact sheet by Coalition to Strengthen America’s Healthcare shows nearly half of emergency department visits happen after hours
A fact sheet released July 29 by the Coalition to Strengthen America’s Healthcare features analysis from KNG Health Consulting that shows nearly half of all hospital emergency department visits occur after-hours (between 5 p.m. and 8 a.m.), when patient care options are limited.
Administration sends letter to hospital, doctor groups on EMTALA enforcement
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure sent a letter July 2 to hospital and provider groups restating its position that the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act requires Medicare-participating hospitals to offer necessary stabilizing medical treatment (or transfer, if appropriate) to all patients who are found to have an emergency medical condition.
The Next Wave of Emergency Preparedness in Health Care
In November, the American Hospital Association hosted a panel session discussing the “next wave of emergency preparedness,” at Becker’s 10th Annual CEO + CFO Roundtable in Chicago. This session centered on three priority areas that health care leaders must address to prepare, respond and recover from future public health emergencies: strengthening cross-sector partnerships, building workforce capacity and resilience, and fostering a culture of preparedness.