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4 Results Found
Become a CHHR Approved Education Provider
ASHHRA affiliated chapters and other organizations can offer pre-approved CHHR Continuing Education credit hours for educational programs and events. Learn how to submit your programs and events for CHHR CE credit.
CHHR Exam Preparation
ASHHRA is your premier source for CHHR exam study resources. Whether you’re looking for self-directed study, specific areas to target, or a face to face learning opportunity, ASHHRA has you covered.
Certified in Healthcare Human Resources (CHHR)
Invest in your future by earning the Certified in Healthcare Human Resources (CHHR) professional designation. Nationally recognized, CHHR is the premier credential based on sound assessment that delivers both internal and external rewards. Certification is awarded to those who meet the criteria and pass the CHHR certification exam.
CHHR Renewal
The renewal cycle for the Certified in Healthcare Human Resources (CHHR) credential is three years, with expiration on the last day of the month in which certification expires. Renewal may be achieved by completing eligible professional development activities or retaking and passing the CHHR Examination. The issued CHHR certificate indicates the date certification was earned and expires.