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41 Results Found

Religious Exemptions from COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates: What Is the Chaplain's Role?

[WEBINAR] Chaplains are increasingly being approached to discuss or support applications for exemption from COVID-19 vaccine mandates in healthcare systems and other institutions. This webinar will help chaplains, spiritual care managers, and others to prepare for those conversations. Attendees will hear legal, HR, administrative, and spiritual care perspectives on this critical issue. This webinar seeks not to provide a one-size-fits-all solution to this difficult issue, but instead to help chaplains and others prepare their own responses as appropriate in their own settings.

Embracing a Dialogue About Gender Equity and Intersectionality

ASHHRA and ACHE of Massachusetts invite you for a 1.5 Virtual ACHE Face to Face Credit Session! In the drive for gender equity, healthcare leaders have acknowledged the need for fully inclusive gender equity that recognizes the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other dimensions of identity. Efforts to improve women representation in the senior ranks of healthcare management must include women from all backgrounds and experiences. When intersectionality considerations are incorporated into gender equity strategies, organizations can reap tangible, proven benefits including better talent recruitment and retention, stronger DEI outcomes, and improved organizational performance.

Workplace Trends Report - Back to the Workplace: Are we there yet?

COVID-19 Workplace Commons is a worldwide community dedicated to enabling the sharing of information on workplace practices regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

Allyship Skills for Health Care Professionals: How to Be an Active Ally and Advocate for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

[WEBINAR] Health care is a team sport. Interdisciplinary teams excel when we respect and remain focused on the shared vision, mission and values. We work together to continuously improve lives, we all play a part in shaping and living the culture of our organizations, and we are all called to make meaningful contributions with a lasting positive impact. This webinar is designed to assist participants in being active allies/advocates for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Participants will learn how to be more active in advocacy, making a commitment to shape the experiences of marginalized groups in the workplace, and create impactful contributions in the health care field.


New contact information for ASHHRA and staff.

ASHHRA 54th Labor Activity in Health Care Report

[REPORT] The 54th ASHHRA/IRI Labor Activity in Health Care Report includes: an analysis of national, regional and state representation petitions and elections (RC, RD and RM) as reported by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) during 2018 and 2019; and the Labor Law/Activity Update.

Staffing Levels - Getting It Right for Patients and Staff

[WEBINAR] Evaluating and meeting our staffing needs is one of the most important and complex challenges facing hospitals, long term care facilities and other health care settings today. Providing appropriate staffing levels requires both a rigorous patient volume and acuity measurement system and a sufficient and flexible staffing plan. This webinar will address both of these critical imperatives. Our patients deserve and our employees demand that we do a better job of getting our staffing levels right.

Join the ASHHRA team!

The Senior Manager, Education is responsible for the day-to-day educational programming for the ASHHRA, serving as the primary contact for all members' educational inquires and requests. 

CHHR Scholarships

ASHHRA members who apply for a CHHR Scholarship will be considered to receive a voucher for the full CHHR exam fee (a $295 value).