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93 Results Found


AHA Amicus Brief Challenges MultiPlan, Inc. Motion to Dismiss Antitrust Litigation

Commercial insurance reimbursements comprise the majority of many hospitals’ revenue. Moreover, because government programs like Medicare do not cover the costs of providing care, commercial reimbursements can be the difference between losing money, breaking even, or earning a sustainable margin.

AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Opposing Sanofi 340B Rebate Model

On March 6, AHA, others filed an amicus brief opposing the Sonafi 340B rebate model.

AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Opposing Eli Lilly, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Novartis 340B Rebate Models

AHA, others file amicus brief opposing Eli Lilly, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Novartis 340B rebate models.

AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Supporting HRSA Decision to Reject 340B Rebate Model Policies

AHA, others file amicus brief supporting HRSA decision to reject 340B rebate model policies.

AHA, Others File Amicus Brief In Fourth Circuit In Support Of West Virginia Contract Pharmacy Law

AHA, others file amicus brief in Fourth Circuit in support of West Virginia contract pharmacy law.

AHA, Others File Amicus Brief Opposing J&J 340B Rebate Model

AHA, others file amicus brief opposing J&J 340B rebate model.

AHA, Others File Amicus Brief in Fourth Circuit in Support of Maryland 340B Contract Pharmacy Law

AHA, others file amicus brief in Fourth Circuit in support of Maryland 340B contract pharmacy law.

AHA Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Challenges 5th Circuit Ruling on Preventive Care Service Coverage

Amici and their member-hospitals know better than anyone that preventive healthcare services are essential for the early diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening illnesses for millions of Americans. Amici write to offer guidance, from hospitals’ perspectives, on the harmful impact that upholding the Fifth Circuit’s decision would have on the American healthcare system and all who depend on it.

American Hospital Association 2023 IRS Form 990

A tax-exempt organization must file an annual information return or notice with the IRS, unless an exception applies. Form 990 is the IRS' primary tool for gathering information about tax-exempt organizations, educating organizations about tax law requirements and promoting compliance. Organizations also use the Form 990 to share information with the public about their programs.

AHA Amicus Brief in 5th Circuit Court Challenges FTC Non-compete Rule

AHA Amicus Brief in 5th Circuit Court Challenges FTC Non-compete Rule.