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438 Results Found

The Elusive Value-based Purchasing Score

Magazine & Journal Articles
Find out why the value-based purchasing score is getting harder to predict and why HCAHPS is important to track.

Reinventing Community Relations as a Corporate Reputation Strategy

Magazine & Journal Articles
Once upon a time, hospital marketing didn't exist. Public relations functions were focused almost exclusively around media relations and what we called community relations. Then came marketing (with the glamour of advertising), the Internet, Facebook, Tweet, and pins. Community relations (CR) faded, got pushed to secondary priority status and then to the bottom of that "nice to do if we had time" list.

Using Quality, Financial, and Market Metrics to Identify Potential Partners

Magazine & Journal Articles
Learn how Lafayette General Health developed and deployed a partnership ranking decision tool to support its long-range strategic business objectives.

Demystifying CRM: Tips for Embarking on a Customer Relationship Management Journey

Magazine & Journal Articles
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a hot topic in healthcare marketing. From conferences to webinars to white papers, everyone seems to be jumping on the CRM bandwagon. And for every hospital or health system that doesn't have CRM, there seems to be another that underutilizes its existing CRM echnology. In an increasingly complex world of digital marketing channels, propensity modeling, and targeted analytics, a back-to-basics approach to CRM will help most organizations make sense of this ambiguous acronym.

Content that Connects: The Power of Video Storytelling

Magazine & Journal Articles
Brooks Rehabilitation leverages video to share compelling patient experiences. Anyone who works in our field could tell you a touching tale of compassion or relate an inspiring story of recovery against all odds. This is what is unique about healthcare. Powerful stories are happening every day. So how do we effectively tell compelling stories that connect us with our audiences? How do we create content that engages by unlocking emotion?

How Healthcare Can 'Think Different'

Magazine & Journal Articles
Today, many people in the hospital industry are trying to "think different" about healthcare. How can we use technology to redesign the way people interact with caregivers, become more active, and manage their own health? The answer might come from the tech industry itself.

Imagine This! A New Generation of Patient Communications

Magazine & Journal Articles
As healthcare strategists, we can no longer focus most of our resources on simply growing inpatient volume. Instead, we need to broaden our focus to the entire healthcare experience for patients and their caregivers—from initial research and preparation, to appointment scheduling, to doctor and hospital visits, to rehabilitation, to post-care follow up.

Integrating Employer and Physician Marketing

Magazine & Journal Articles
In its white paper entitled "Managing Populations, Maximizing Technology," the nonprofit Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative listed 10 recommendations for achieving comprehensive population health management.1 Among those recommendations are: risk stratification, automated outreach, and advanced population analytics.

Right-Sizing Emergency Care Amid Healthcare Reform

Magazine & Journal Articles
The emergency department (ED) is often considered to be the hospital's "front door." For this reason, healthcare strategists have historically focused their attention—and marketing dollars—on driving ED volume, which subsequently drives inpatient admissions, surgical procedures, diagnostic testing, contribution margin, and net revenue.

Share Your Story With the World: How Brand Journalism is Transforming Healthcare Communications

Magazine & Journal Articles
Here are answers to several questions about Spectrum Health's new approach to brand journalism.