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81 Results Found

AHA Associate Program Podcast Series

AHA leaders check in with Associate Program organizations to discuss thought leadership and responding to developments in the field. Brought to AHA member hospital and health systems by the American Hospital Association, the AHA Associates Bringing Value podcast connects members with the latest insights from the business community. In exclusive interviews, learn about how Associates are supporting hospitals and gather intel on the latest developments in the field.

Associate Podcast Series - Ep. 79 | Siemens Healthineers

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations at the AHA, is joined Dr. Rasu Shrestha, Executive Vice President, Chief Innovation and Commercialization Officer of Advocate Health. Their discussion will focus on how he is putting innovation at the forefront of their business strategy by investing in both urban renewal and next-gen talent development via The Pearl Innovation District, integrating improved systems across 1000+ facilities, and redefining relationships with MedTech suppliers like Siemens Healthineers to help achieve their goals and find sustainable success.

Associate Podcast Series - Ep. 78 | Celerium

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations of the American Hospital Association (AHA) podcast, is joined by Vince Crisler, Chief Strategy Officer for Celerium. Together they’ll discuss the organizational challenges related to data breaches as well as approaches that can help address data breach attacks from an enterprise risk management perspective.

Associate Podcast Series - Ep. 77 | CVS Accountable

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations of the American Hospital Association (AHA) podcast, is joined by Dr. Jonathan Rubens, Chief Medical Officer, CVS Accountable Care. Together we'll explore the integration of technology to inform proactive primary care engagements, and drive impact to care quality and medical costs.

AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 76 | Guidehouse

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations of the American Hospital Association (AHA) podcast, is joined by Dr. Ed Abraham, former academic medical center CEO and Partner of Payer Provider Health at Guidehouse, and Dr. Inga Lennes, Medical Oncologist, President of the UCSF Faculty Practice Organization and Senior Vice President of Ambulatory Services at UCSF Health. Our speakers will share insights on how the University of California San Francisco is leveraging Advanced Practice Providers across specialties as part of a system-wide care model redesign initiative.

AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 74 | Oracle Health

In this insightful episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations of the American Hospital Association (AHA) podcast, is joined by Seema Verma, EVP and GM of Oracle Health and Life Sciences, to discuss her pivotal role in the "Patients Over Paperwork" initiative at the CMS and how technology is taking healthcare to entirely new levels of efficiency, intelligence, and helping bring back the doctor-patient relationship.

AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 75 | Evolv Technology

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations at the AHA is joined by Jason Grellner, Former Executive Director of Mercy Healthcare and Current Vice President and Head of Healthcare for Evolv Technology. Their discussion delves into the workforce challenges with workplace violence, the unique challenges healthcare environments face when dealing with armed intruders, and the strategies that can be implemented to mitigate these threats.

AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep.73 | B.E. Smith

In this podcast series, the AHA checks in with its Associates to learn how they are supporting members and leveraging the AHA Associate Program to stay connected with members and help them achieve their goals and objectives.

AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 72 | Surgical Directions

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations at the AHA is joined by Lisa Jordan, Chief Administrative Officer - Medical Foundation & Vice President of Professional Services, and Leslie Basham, President & CEO for Surgical Directions. In this episode, we will delve into the workforce challenges in the anesthesia department at City of Hope, as well as the solutions that ultimately revitalized their services.

AHA Associate Podcast Series, Ep. 71 | CorroHealth

In this episode, Kathleen Wessel, Vice President of Business Management and Operations at the AHA is joined by Dr. Jerilyn Morrissey, Chief Medical Officer at CorroHealth, offers a practical and strategic guide to help healthcare leaders navigate these challenges. We’ll explore how hospitals can break down silos between Utilization Management (UM), Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI), and Denials Management to create a cohesive, powerful approach to protecting their revenue.