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6 Results Found

Walmart Exec On Health Care Ease, Access & Value | Take Five | Center

In this episode, Marcus Osborne, senior vice president at Walmart, talks about consumerism in health care.

How Payer-Provider Alignment Drives Better Patient Outcomes | Take Five | Center

William Shrank, chief medical officer, Humana, explains how payer-provider partnerships help advance patient care and value-based care models.

The Future of Pediatric Care | Take Five | Center

In this episode, Omkar Kulkarni, chief innovation officer at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, talks about leading innovations in pediatric care.

Using Automation and AI to Transform Health Care | Take Five | Center

In this episode, Emily LaFeir, senior director of operations, Steele Institute of Health Innovation at Geisinger Health, explains how automation and AI can catalyze innovation in hospital operations and the patient experience.

Take Five | Center

Take Five is a series of five-minute, candid conversations with some of health care's greatest innovators and change agents.

The Digital Transformation Mind Shift in Health Care | Take Five | Center

In this episode, Angela Yochem, EVP and chief transformation and digital officer, Novant, talks about the change in mindset driven by digital health care and how new technologies are building a better health care future.