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38 Results Found

AONL Advocacy Legislative Briefing

Learn about AONL’s current legislative issues and recent advocacy wins.

Updates and Implications of IT and Price Transparency Policies Webinar

The AHA hosted a members-only webinar during which its staff, along with representa

CY 2022 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule - Member Webinar

Note: We are currently experiencing some access issues with Chrome.

Webinar: Implementing Regulations on Surprise Medical Billing: Part 3

A review the recently released interim final regulations implementing certain provisions of the No Surprises Act.

Webinar: Price Transparency Policy Updates

The webinar provided updates on federal price transparency policies and related AHA resources. AHA staff member, Ari Levin, Sean Barry and Terry Cunningham provided the latest information on the Hospital Price Transparency Rule, including information on CMS audits and CMS’s proposed changes to the regulations. They also covered the upcoming price transparency requirements enacted in the No Surprises Act and AHA resources to assist members with price transparency related questions from patients and the media

How to Write Letters that Will Influence Congress

Find out how to best write a message to your representative, what information they will look for and how you can become a better advocate for nurse leaders.

AHA Members Only Cybersecurity Webinar: October 29, 2013

AHA Members Only Cybersecurity Webinar: October 29, 2013

Business Case for Integrating Behavioral & Physical Health Services

Held May 12, 2016 Please join a group of your executive colleagues for a webinar and discussion.

CMS Proposed Rule: Revisions to Discharge Planning Requirements

Members-Only Webinar M