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13 Results Found
Workplace Hospital Waste Streams – Managing What Goes Out the Back Door
This document briefly examines the current state of the industry, and considers the identification and implementation of improved waste management practices.
The New Health Care Reality and Its Effects on Health Care Environmental Services
Technical Paper
Today, despite their many challenges, EVS is an important participant in making decisions around construction, technology, infection prevention and patient satisfaction in health care institutions. This paper will examine how changes in the health care industry have impacted ES operations.
Impact of Communication and Motivation on the EVS Workplace
This paper outlines the importance of effective communication and motivation in the environmental services workplace.
Leveraging Technology to Hire for Fit and Create an Environmental Culture of Care
Technical Paper
Studies have shown that emphasis should be placed on adequately training environmental service workers and providing timely feedback on the thoroughness of cleaning by using fluorescent marking or ATP methods. By identifying the connectors and promoters from the front-line staff and focusing them on creating a culture of care and trust, we can take the organic approach to change and improved performance.
Hiring & Retaining the Right Staff
Technical Paper
With a focus on customer service and improving the patient experience, it is essential to hire people who are a good fit to your hospital during recruiting, hiring, and onboarding processes. The purpose of this paper is to provide you with proven strategies in attracting, interviewing, hiring and retaining staff.
Maintaining Hygienically Clean Health Care Textiles Within a Health Care Facility
Technical Paper
Health care textiles are a crucial component in the care and treatment of patients if positive outcomes are to be realized. The absence of guidance from regulatory organizations pertaining to the handling, internal transportation, and storage of hygienically clean textiles within the confines of health care facilities brings into question the hygienic integrity of such textiles. This document addresses the shortcomings and provides suggested direction and support.
Using Lean Management Strategically
Technical Paper
An Environmental Service's leader as a Lean leader needs to be patient, inquisitive, keenly interested in problem-solving, a good communicator, and a mentor who likes to see people succeed. This paper will propose a proven strategy for becoming a Lean department through the leader's eyes.
Comprehensive Training Program
Technical Paper
In his Fellow Paper, Michael Cataznaro analyzes the importance of a well-thought out comprehensive training program and the resources needed from all levels within a facility in order to be successful.
The Law Of Unintended Consequences
Technical Paper
Read about the unintended consequences caused by the application of the Hawthorne Effect and how it impacted an environmental services department.