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17 Results Found

Nurse Leader Competency Assessment Tool

Use these essential tools—based on the widely recognized AONL Nurse Leader Competencies—to evaluate and advance your skills, knowledge and abilities, regardless of your professional role or care setting. Separate assessments are available for nurse managers and nurse executives.

Resources for the Community Health Assessment Toolkit

A list of resources relevant to community health assessments.

Internal Self-Assessment Tool for Public Trust and Accountability

AHA’s Task Force on Membership Accountability spent 2024 gathering insights from AHA members across the country to inform the development of an Internal Self-Assessment Tool for Public Trust and Accountability. This resource was designed to help leaders assess vulnerabilities and stimulate thinking on how best to build and maintain public trust.

Community Health Assessment Toolkit

Overview of hospital, health system and community goals and tips for creating success partnerships you need to know before you start your CHA process.

Your Stress Meter™

Check In on Your Mental Wellbeing: Rate your stress. Connect with resources.

Step 9: Evaluate Progress

The process of evaluation that occurs throughout the CHA process to assess the impact of your strategies and your progress toward your goals.

Step 8: Jointly Develop an Action Plan

A description of the process for developing an action plan to address the community health needs prioritized in your assessment.