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7968 Results Found

Rural Health Care Leadership Conference | AHA

Annual Conference
Join rural health care leaders from across the nation at the AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference.

SHSMD Connections Annual Conference

In-Person Events
SHSMD Connections 2024 is your chance to light the way to a brighter future with breakout sessions, keynote speakers, and networking opportunities! This premier event will take place October 13-15 in Denver, CO. #SHSMD24

Screening Newborns for Jaundice Using Smartphone Cameras

Intermountain Health and Picterus AS, a Norwegian health technology company, are building an application using the smartphone’s camera that can determine bilirubin levels in infants accurately at home.

Leading the Health Care EVS Field Forward

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Mpox patients gain days of clarity, as Harborview Medical Center clinicians became adept at early identification

Recent research findings, authored in part by UW Medicine, showed that during western Washington’s 2022 mpox outbreak, emergency response teams were highly accurate at identifying suspected mpox and providing same-day care.

SHSMD Rising Stars

T​​​​he SHSMD Rising Star recognition recognizes health care strategy professionals under the age of 40 who have demonstrated outstanding promise in their respective fields. This recognition shines a spotlight on SHSMD members who have made or are on their way to making significant contributions to their profession and the SHSMD membership.

SHSMD Leadership Excellence Award

This award honors outstanding leaders who have contributed to the field of health care strategy, including marketers, strategic planners, business developers and communications/PR leaders—individuals who are truly exemplars of the strategy professions and can demonstrate a career lifetime of stellar achievement.

SHSMD Awards and Recognition

Honoring health care's best and brightest, SHSMD recognize honorees for their outstanding achievements and contributions to the health care strategy and leadership community.

Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training strives to transform teams of experts into expert teams using TeamSTEPPS, a proven, evidence-based approach. We offer education and resources to improve process and outcomes as well as patient and staff satisfaction.