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245 Results Found

Rural Hospital Reduces No-Shows with a Boost in Patient Engagement

Sparta Community Hospital, in a rural Illinois town about 50 miles southeast of St. Louis, is using proactive, patient-facing communication technology that integrates with its EHR system data to reach patients in a more user-friendly way to reduce its no-show rates.

Kittitas Valley Healthcare

Situated in Ellensburg in the heart of central Washington, Kittitas County Public Hospital District No. 1, also known as Kittitas Valley Healthcare (KVH), provides care to Kittitas County and surrounding areas.

Maine’s donor-milk program fills state-wide need

In June 2022, Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center partnered with Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast to open a donor milk depot in Bangor, Maine, bringing the number of milk banks in the state to seven. These milk banks rely on donated breast milk, which is tested, pasteurized and then given to infants in need of a nutritional boost.

Telling the Hospital Story: Rural Hospitals in Action

The Telling the Hospital Story initiative shines a light on the crucial work of health systems and hospitals that advance community heath through proactive, compassionate and high-quality care.

Accounts Payable: Creating Competitive Advantage

Learn how Baptist Health forged its traditional AP cost center into a cost savings driver.

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Rural Hospitals

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural hospital financial performance.

Accountable Care Organizations: Findings from the Survey of Care Systems and Payment

AHA conducted a survey of 309 ACOs in 2013 which covered such topics as structure and governance, contracts and risk models, key challenges, performance management and information exchange.

Equity of Care Awards Case Study: Monument Health Rapid City Hospital

Monument Health Rapid City Hospital’s excellence in using quantitative and qualitative data to address disparities and improve patient health quality resulted in the organization winning AHA’s 2023 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award in the Small/Rural Hospital Excellence category.

The 340B Drug Pricing Program

The 340B Drug Pricing Program allows hospitals caring for large numbers of underserved patients to stretch scarce federal resources and provide more comprehensive care by requiring drug companies to offer discounted prices on certain outpatient drugs.

CY2024 Medicare Advantage Final Rule Implementation Handbook

On April 5, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized its Policy and Technical Changes to the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Program for contract year (CY) 2024. The final rule increases oversight of Medicare Advantage (MA) plans and seeks to better align MA coverage with Traditional Medicare.