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72 Results Found

AHA Comments on CMS’s Proposed Radiation Oncology Model

The AHA appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ specialty care models proposed rule, and specifically on the radiation oncology (RO) model. As described in the proposed rule, the RO model would test whether prospective, bundled payments for 90-day radiotherapy (RT) episodes of care would reduce Medicare spending while preserving or improving the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries.

Achieving Success in Bundled Payment Programs: Employing Systemic Action

Kevin Bozic, M.D., Dell Medical School at UT Austin, and Mac Hogan, M.D., UPMC, discussed how to leverage bundled payment programs to review and redesign care processes at a systems level in order to be more focused on patient outcomes. Watch the recording now to learn more on this topic.

Market Trends in Bundled Payments

The AHA Center for Health Innovation, in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE), hosted a two-part introductory webinar series on bundled payments in the fall of 2018 called “Bundled Payments: Learning in Action Series.”

Achieving Success in Bundled Payment Programs: Measuring Success

After navigating the data, engaging new partners, and employing action at a systems level, next comes the ultimate questions: Are the changes successful and how does one measure success?

CMS issues proposed rule on bundled payment model for radiation oncology

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a proposed rule setting forth a bundled payment model for radiation oncology, which would be mandatory in certain areas of the country.

Achieving Success in Bundled Payment Programs: Identifying and Engaging in Partnerships to Improve Care

Identifying and engaging in the most effective clinical partnerships for improving care through bundled payment models redesign are crucial to success in driving better outcomes.

Bundled Payments: Market Trends and Markers of Success

Bundled payments have emerged as a reimbursement method that supports health care providers’ efforts to redesign care and improve outcomes for specific patient populations and clinical episodes of care. They offer financial incentives for various providers to work with each other and patients to deliver care in a more coordinated manner.

CMS Cancels, Scales Back Bundled Payment Models

The CMS Nov. 30 issued a final rule cancelling the cardiac and surgical hip and femur fracture treatment bundled payment models.

TrendWatch: Value-Based Payments

Data analyses of key affordability measures and information on the latest trends, based on current data, to help inform the hospital field.