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40 Results Found

Study: Patient risk factors key driver of readmissions in minority-serving hospitals

Patient-related risk factors appear to be the primary driver of readmissions in hospitals serving a higher proportion of minority patients, according to a study published

Study: Voluntary value-based reforms associated with greater readmissions reductions

Hospitals participating in certain voluntary valued-based reforms have reduced their readmissions more than hospitals participating in only the mandatory Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program, ac

Study looks at hospital readmissions program trends

Average readmissions penalties in the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program doubled in the first five years of the program, from 0.29% in 2013 to 0.6% in 2017, according to a

Study: Interventions to reduce readmissions working; cost savings vary

Efforts to reduce hospital readmissions are working, but they don’t always save money, according to a

Top-performing CMS project touted for curbing 30-day readmissions

Sun Health in Surprise, Ariz., knows what it takes to prevent Medicare patients from returning to the hospital within 30 days of discharge.

Improving Transitions from the Hospital to Home

A recent blog post for the

The Hospital Bill: State of Play

This week, the long-anticipated Helping Hospitals Improve Patient Care Act (H.R.5273) was introduced by House Ways and Means Committee C

Hospital Leaders on the Hill

Today, hundreds of hospital leaders are reaching out to their members of Congress to talk about the challenges facing their patients and communities.

Continuing the Patient Safety Journey

As the new president and CEO of AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET), I am thrilled that HRET has been selected as one of 16 national, regional or state hospital associations, Quality I

Progress to Celebrate

Saving an estimated 50,000 lives and $12 billion in health care costs is something to celebrate.  Congratulations to the 3,700 acute-care hospitals that have participated in one of the Hospital Eng