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47 Results Found

Putting People First: Why Language Matters in Behavioral Health Care

Language not only describes what we think, but shapes how we think.

HHS releases national suicide prevention strategy, plan

The Department of Health and Human Services and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, a public-private partnership whose members include the AHA, April 23 released a national strategy and federal plan to prevent suicide over the next 10 years. The updated strategy includes a new pillar prioritizing equity for populations disproportionately impacted by suicide.

Behavioral Health

This web page is designed to provide easy access to information and tools that will assist hospitals and health systems in navigating the changing behavioral health care system and understanding national, state and local activities affecting behavioral health.

Behavioral Health Resources: Awareness & Prevention

The resources in this section help educate and inform hospitals and health systems on the importance and value of reducing stigma, as well as prevention and early intervention initiatives for individuals with behavioral health disorders.

The Well-being Impact of Northwestern Medicine's Scholars of Wellness Program

In this discussion, Gaurava Agarwal, M.D., vice president and chief wellness executive at Northwestern Medicine and director of faculty wellness at Northwestern University, and Samantha Saggese, physician assistant of nephrology and hypertension at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, explain the difference the Scholars of Wellness program is making, and how it could be adopted for the benefit of hospitals and health systems across the nation.

Small Steps Can Make a Big Impact on Your Mental Well-being

According to a 2022 report from the Journal of the American Medical Association, even now, long after the height of the crisis, health care workers’ emotional exhaustion is 27% more prevalent than pre-pandemic. The lasting effects of the pandemic on mental health are real, and they are challenging.

Behavioral Health Resources: Clinical Innovation

The resources in this area showcase multiple clinical innovations, including how the integration of physical and behavioral health improves patient outcomes and satisfaction, and reduces the total cost of care; how digital solutions can expand access to care and fill gaps in the continuum of care, and more.

Workforce Shortage, Training and Education

AHA tools and resources addressing behavioral health workforce challenges.

AHA Health Care Workforce Scan

The AHA Health Care Workforce Scan offers trends, expert insights and bold new approaches to guide your workforce strategies and initiatives.

Preventing suicide in the health care workforce depends on all of us

For National Suicide Prevention Month and National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, the Zero Suicide Institute and the Suicide Prevention in the Health Care Workforce guide provides strategies for preventing suicide in physicians and health care workers.