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158 Results Found

What Hospitals Use as a Basis for Decision Making

Brent Petty discusses what forces are currently affecting healthcare and the platform hospitals use for decision making criteria.

Waste Reduction through Engaged and Invested Human Resources

Tariq Kahn, Materials Manager, Peri-operative Services, Montefiore Medical Center, discusses his “ah ha” moment of “I need your help”.

GPO or Local/Self Contracting Series BONUS Part 5: AHRMM16 Audience Q&A

A thought-leader panel discussion about the role of GPOs within the changing healthcare landscape and the and the daily decision of using a GPO or regional/local contracting.

Be Well: Preventing Physician Suicide

Health care providers across our diverse workforce are faced with an ever increasing complexity in the systems and approaches we use.

New Strategies in a Disruptive Era With Johns Hopkins and Guidehouse

Health care leaders are finding new ways to strengthen performance through innovative approaches, while improving care, quality and patient safety. In this conversation hear how Johns Hopkins is using innovation to ensure long-term financial stability while managing day-to-day struggles. This podcast is brought to you by Guidehouse.

Prepping for the Future: Succession Planning in Health Care

Succession planning can feel like a luxury in health care, but its importance cannot be overstated.

Creating a Support System for Black Women Leaders and CEOs

For Black women who are hospital and health system CEOs, it's been difficult to find and connect with others like themselves.

The Growing Role of Emergency Departments in Behavioral Health Services

The past five years have seen a rise in the number of people turning to their local hospital emergency departments for behavioral health and addiction services.

Environmental Sustainability in the World of Health care

There is growing awareness in the health care field that becoming a better steward of the environment is something well within the capabilities of most health caregivers.

Innovative Workforce Strategies to Lead Your Organization Forward

America’s health care workers are the backbone of hospitals and health systems to provide strong patient care.