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28 Results Found

From the Top: Voices of Nurse CEOs

Explore the journey and viewpoint of nurse leaders who became chief executives, AONE members interviewed three such executives.

Voice of the President | March 2021

In 2011, the Institute of Medicine, now National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, published the landmark Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report, which contained a recommendation to increase the diversity of the nursing workforce at every level of the health care system.

Cultivating Diversity in Nursing Leadership

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Nurse Leader Advocacy Key to Health Care Worker Protection Bill Passage

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Serving on a Nursing Regulatory Agency: Lessons Learned From a Board Member

Nursing regulatory bodies (NRBs), governmental agencies responsible for the regulation of nursing practice, were established to protect the public by overseeing and ensuring the safe and competent practice of nursing. They achieve this by outlining standards of safe nursing care and issuing licenses to practice nursing.

Charting a New Course: Developing Advocacy Skills in California’s Nurse Leaders

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Abstract | Nurse Leader Advocacy Key to Health Care Worker Protection Bill Passage

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Righting the Ship: Reinvigoration of Shared Governance at the Unit Level

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Building Resilience During a Crisis: Strategies for Nurse Leaders

In 2020, identified as the Year of the Nurse and Midwife (a celebration of Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday), it seems almost surreal that we would be faced with a pandemic of the novel coronavirus. Nurses, as in the time of Florence Nightingale, provide a pivotal role in infection prevention, infection control, isolation, containment and public health.

Adapting to Complexity: Leadership Approaches Embracing Agility

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