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72 Results Found

Virtual Nursing - The Future of Compassionate Care is Here

Improving nursing engagement while struggling with staffing shortages, burnout, and unbalanced ratios of novice to experienced nurses can seem overwhelming.

Creating a Path to the BSN: A Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

Associate nurse graduates can often find themselves locked out of employment. Learn more about disparities in opportunities for nursing students who are not advantaged by race or socioeconomic status with regard to nursing education and employment

Rise from the Ashes of a Pandemic: Changing Care Models, Changing Cultures

Rise up from the ashes of the pandemic to create a sustainable future of the nursing workforce.

"You May Be on to Something": A New Model for Frontline Nursing Leadership

The role of the front-line nurse leader is one of the most difficult and expansive in health care. Learn how one health system is realigning leadership roles to support the critical nature of the nurse leader leading to more meaningful work.

Collaboration with Rural Partners: Taking Care of the Region

Healthcare in a rural setting is very challenging. With limited resources, including staff, equipment, and supplies, many organizations are struggling to stay open.

Improve Safety through Acuity-Based Scheduling and Data-Driven Patient Assignments

Improve safety through acuity-based staffing and data-driven patient assignments. Across the country we have seen nurses going on strike or just begging for safe working conditions and many hospitals are struggling to deliver because there just aren’t enough nurses. Clinical Science helps ensure workloads are safe and realistic and gives leaders insight into where support is needed most while also supporting smart nurse-patient assignments.

Empowering Nurse Leaders to Support Staff Well-Being and Resilience

This podcast will engage participants in a discussion of research findings of several modifiable factors in the work environment affecting the well-being and resilience of nurses during the pandemic. Gain actionable takeaways to better support the well-being of the nursing workforce of the future.

Hold On to Your Nurse Managers Through a Comprehensive Retention Program

Retaining effective nurse managers is critical to any organization as they impact financial and quality outcomes as well as nurse satisfaction and retention.

Leading from the Heart

People deserve to experience us at their best. Explore best practices on how to develop deeper connections and become an inspirational leader through work-life integration and being fully in the present.

Developing a Legacy through a Leadership Trajectory

It takes more than one person to perpetuate a legacy. Though collective leadership, every nurse has the potential to be a leader and to leave a legacy. Learn effective tactics to develop a legacy leadership through three core areas — The Strategies, The Personal, and The Environment.