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705 Results Found


The Benefits and Challenges of Converting to a Rural Emergency Hospital

The creation of the Rural Emergency Hospital designation on January 1, 2023 was intended to offer struggling rural hospitals a new financial lifeline.

Aligning Health Equity and Community Health Goals

Today marks the start of Community Health Improvement Week, a time to highlight hospitals and community organizations working together to enhance health.

How Community Investment Saved a Rural Health System

Serving a small rural community in upper Michigan, Mackinac Straits Health System was once in dire financial straits, operating on only a few days of cash reserves.

Strengthening Risk Communications in Rural Health Care Emergency Management

Communicating information is critical during emergencies and disasters.

Environmental Sustainability in the World of Health care

There is growing awareness in the health care field that becoming a better steward of the environment is something well within the capabilities of most health caregivers.

Community Cornerstones Conversations with Rural Hospitals in America

Rural hospital advocates, CEOs and other leaders share their planning, implementation and innovations in this shifting environment.

Innovative Workforce Strategies to Lead Your Organization Forward

America’s health care workers are the backbone of hospitals and health systems to provide strong patient care.

Addressing Food Insecurity in Rural Tennessee

When a community health needs assessment was conducted in Hardeman County, Tennessee, it confirmed that not only was obesity a serious health threat for adults and children, but accessing food at all was a problem for many county residents.

Unsustainable Costs of Caring

America’s hospitals' and health systems' are facing a tidal wave of financial challenges, with finances stretched to their breaking point by three years of pandemic and now post-pandemic strain.

Retaining A Rural Nursing Workforce: It Takes A Village

Attracting and retaining nurses presents a major workforce challenge, particularly in rural health care settings. At the University of Vermont Health Network, leaders realized that the ongoing nursing shortage crisis required creative solutions, including investment in the well-being of the nursing staff.