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7 Results Found

Health Equity Resources

To support hospitals and health systems starting from different points on their journey to strengthen health equity, the AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) is preparing four new guidance and resource toolkits to share evidence-based practices to inform organizational next steps. Look for additional IFDHE toolkits to be released throughout 2021.

Stories from the Front Lines

Data & Insights

Spotlight Feature: Diabetes education through a health equity lens

Erika Davis, manager of Community Health at Advocate Christ Medical Center’s Southland Region, discusses the programs’ goals for helping patients in surrounding communities.

Summer Enrichment Program Spotlight

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Spotlight Feature: Listening to Your Community’s Health Care Needs to Ensure a Brighter Future

In this Spotlight Feature interview, Haley Urish, RN and patient care coordinator at Passavant along with Sarah Karraker, LCSW and Passavant’s manager of quality safety & operations improvement, discuss program goals for helping the youngest patients in the hospital’s surrounding community.

Spotlight Feature: Innovative Steps for Identifying Disparities in Fighting Breast Cancer

In this Spotlight Feature, Deepa Sheth, M.D. and Assistant Professor of Radiology, Breast Imaging Oncologist with University of Chicago Medicine talks about UChicago’s SCreening OutReach and Engagement (SCORE) breast cancer prevention initiative.