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23 Results Found

Disparities Toolkit National Advisory Panel

Roxanne Andrews, PhD AHRQ Rockville MD

Transforming the Approach to Health Equity

For March 2021, some communities are launching the Transgender Month of Action for Healthcare Equality. The month, specifically focused on the health care needs of transgender and gender non-conforming people, aims to address barriers and areas for growth and highlight victories.

Unconscious Bias Training: Two Approaches from Equity of Care Honorees

Breaking the ice can be complicated! How can hospitals and health systems create trusting environments that make interactions between patients and health care providers more comfortable and inclusive? Join Keith Stinson, RN and emergency department nursing director at Chatham Hospital, serving a mostly rural area of North Carolina, and Kimberlydawn Wisdom, MD, senior VP and chief wellness & diversity officer at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, as they describe their innovative staff training methods addressing the dynamics of unconscious biases, how to avoid uncomfortable interactions, and successful strategies for heightening bias awareness in the workplace. Both hospitals, operating in completely different clinical settings, are 2020 AHA Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award honorees.