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22 Results Found

ASHHRA 48th Labor Activity in Health Care Report

[REPORT]: The 48th Labor Activity in Health Care report covers January through June 2017 and includes analyses of national, regional and state representation petitions and elections as reported by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

Health Care Labor Update for Spring 2021: Labor Policy Changes and the Biden Administration

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Chris Cimino will provide an update on important new developments regarding union organizing affecting health care employees across the U.S. and review some of the strategies being used by unions during the pandemic. Chris will also provide an overview of significant regulatory and legislative changes anticipated in 2021 and beyond, in addition to highlighting steps health care employers should take now to increase employee engagement.

ASHHRA 54th Labor Activity in Health Care Report

[REPORT] The 54th ASHHRA/IRI Labor Activity in Health Care Report includes: an analysis of national, regional and state representation petitions and elections (RC, RD and RM) as reported by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) during 2018 and 2019; and the Labor Law/Activity Update.

Fact Sheet: Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act of 2021

The House of Representatives March 9 adopted the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act of 2021 (H.R. 842). A virtually identical bill is pending in the Senate (S. 420). If adopted by the Senate and signed by President Biden, the PRO Act would make sweeping changes to the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) and other labor laws in the United States, including in ways that could have a significant adverse impact on hospitals and health systems as employers.

ASHHRA 52nd Labor Activity in Health Care Report

[REPORT] The 52nd Semi-Annual ASHHRA/IRI Labor Activity in Health Care Report includes: an analysis of national, regional and state representation petitions and elections (RC, RD and RM) as reported by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) during 2018 and 2019; and the Labor Law/Activity Update.

Webinar: Health Care Labor Update for Spring 2021: Labor Policy Changes and the Biden Administration

Chris Cimino will provide an update on important new developments regarding union organizing affecting health care employees across the U.S. and review some of the strategies being used by unions during the pandemic. Chris will also provide an overview of significant regulatory and legislative changes anticipated in 2021 and beyond, in addition to highlighting steps health care employers should take now to increase employee engagement.

National Labor Relations Board Update

[HR Pulse Article] By Harry Johnson III and Morgan Lewis This summary covers recent and selected NLRB developments relevant to employers, especially in the health care sector.

COVID-19 Recovery and Impacts to Your Workforce

[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR] Legislative and regulatory pressure will be at an all-time high in 2021. This webinar will address major challenges health care employers will be facing in the coming year including the COVID-19 recovery and a new legislative labor agenda from the new administration.

Webinar: COVID-19 Recovery and Impacts to Your Workforce

[WEBINAR] Legislative and regulatory pressure will be at an all-time high in 2021. This webinar will address major challenges health care employers will be facing in the coming year including the COVID-19 recovery and a new legislative labor agenda from the new administration.