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95 Results Found

ASHRAE guidelines and standards open for comment

A list of ASHRAE addenda, revisions and drafts affecting health care open for public comment

EPA announces interim rule on ethylene oxide

The rule sets new standards for mitigation, engineering controls, training and recordkeeping

NFPA weekly update: Feb. 3-7

The committee for NFPA 1, Fire Code, posted the first draft report of the 2027 edition for public input by April 24

Sticking to the essentials in health care power systems

The unique needs of health care infrastructure call for a rethinking of how power system requirements are developed and managed

Understanding the NEC and its health care applications

Untangling the National Electrical Code’s articles 517, 700, 701 and 702 requirements for health care essential electrical systems

NFPA weekly update: Jan. 20-24

Committee revisions and comments on the second draft of the 2026 edition of NFPA 25 have been posted

NFPA weekly update: Jan. 13-17

The committee for the 2026 edition of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, wrapped up public input review and voting on the code's second draft.

NFPA weekly update: Dec. 30, 2024 to Jan. 3, 2025

NFPA released the agenda for the next NFPA 99 meeting and opened a tentative interim amendment for public input

NFPA weekly update: Dec. 2-6, 2024

NFPA committees share progress on upcoming editions for portable fire extinguisher and electrical safety standards

Window closing to comply with CMS sprinkler requirement

Advocacy expert urges existing health care occupancies that need to be fully sprinklered by 2028 to start as soon as possible