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949 Results Found

NFPA weekly update: Feb 24-28

Learn the latest news on the 2026 edition of NFPA 70, National Electrical Code

NFPA weekly update: Feb. 17-21

The Life Safety Code committee posted minutes from its January meeting regarding the code's 2027 edition

Tracking energy conservation progress

ASHE resource enables gap analysis for 37 energy conservation measures

Progress in ventilation operations standards

ASHE makes progress in bringing a new guideline to the field

Safely commissioning medical gas systems

Failure of a medical gas system falls into the highest level of risk for health care facilities

Boosting sustainability through electrification

ASHE partners with Providence St. Peter Hospital to study sustainability project

Sustainability programs available for members

ASHE focuses on task forces, data gathering and ENERGY STAR application assistance

ASHRAE guidelines and standards open for comment

A list of ASHRAE addenda, revisions and drafts affecting health care open for public comment

Commissioning existing health care buildings

Creating an internal program to optimize vital equipment and systems for peak performance

Sustained Performance Award

The Energy to Care Sustained Performance Award celebrates facilities accomplishing sustainability goals in their health care organizations to support healthy, equitable and resilient environments and communities maintained over time.