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37 Results Found

Speaking Up for Patients and Protecting Access to Care

One month from today — March 14 — government funding expires, and congressional action is needed to keep the government running.

A Year of Action to Ensure Access to Care and Advance Health in America

All eyes this week have been on Washington, D.C., as President Trump was inaugurated and the 119th Congress — with Republicans holding majorities in the House and the Senate — beginning its legislative work.

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Reflecting on What’s Next in Health Care with Joanne Conroy, M.D., of Dartmouth Health

On this episode, John Haupert, 2023 AHA board chair, talks with Joanne Conroy, M.D., CEO and president of Dartmouth Health and the incoming AHA chair. They reflect on challenges, opportunities and advancements in health care during the past year and discuss what’s ahead for next year.

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Tackling Today’s Health Care Challenges with AHA Leaders Stacey Hughes and Ashley Thompson

There is so much for health care leaders to navigate when it comes to public policy and government relations. Thankfully, the AHA has an expert team with extensive experience who are advocating for the field and here to listen and help.

Working Together to Chart a Course to Advance Health in America

Thomas Edison once said, “Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”

Working to Enact Key Priorities in Year-end Legislation to Ensure Patient Access to Care

December’s holiday rush is in full swing on Capitol Hill as Congress returned to Washington this week facing a long list of to-dos and a short time to do them. The Dec.

Exercise Your Right to Vote on Nov. 5

America’s electoral traditions may seem exhausting to many, but we should remember that the privilege of expressing our choices by ballot is a shining freedom that many people around the world covet.

Plan and Act Now for Summer Advocacy Success

The AHA strongly urges hospital and health system leaders to take full advantage of one of the best windows of the year to communicate our field’s priorities and remind your elected officials of the crucial need for their support.

Keeping Congress Focused on Protecting Access to Care

Congress returns to Washington, D.C., next week following the summer recess, and lawmakers can expect a busy fall as they face a full plate of issues that need action.

Hospitals are Symbols of Hope, Comfort and Care . . . For All People and Always

Hospitals and health systems — and the women and men who work there — are the heart of health care.