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3 Results Found

2017 Position Paper

Position Paper
[PUBLICATION] Position Papers are created as collateral for ASHHRA's annual Hill Visit and offer a snap-shot perspective of the issues we are tracking and the positions we are advocating for. These papers may be used for anyone engaging their legislators in an advocacy capacity.  

2019 Position Paper

Position Paper
[PUBLICATION] Position Papers are created as collateral for ASHHRA's annual Hill Visit and offer a snap-shot perspective of the issues we are tracking and the positions we are advocating for. These papers may be used for anyone engaging their legislators in an advocacy capacity.  

Position Papers

Position Paper
[PUBLICATION] Position Papers are created as collateral for ASHHRA's annual Hill Visit and offer a snap-shot perspective of the issues we are tracking and the positions we are advocating for. These papers may be used for anyone engaging their legislators in an advocacy capacity.