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27 Results Found
Fact Sheet: Budget Reconciliation 101
Budget reconciliation is an optional process under the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for expedited consideration of certain fiscal legislation that makes changes to mandatory spending, revenues and/or the debt limit.
Fact Sheet: 2025 Telehealth Advocacy Agenda
Given the pending expiration of several waivers, the AHA urges Congress to act to extend this critical lifeline for treatment and work towards a permanent pathway for provision of telehealth services.
Fact Sheet: The 340B Drug Pricing Program
Learn what the HHS 340B Drug Pricing Program is and what 340B hospitals are. The program allows 340B hospitals to stretch limited federal resources to reduce the price of outpatient pharmaceuticals for patients by providing 340B drug pricing discounts and expand health services to the patients and communities they serve.
Fact Sheet: Workplace Violence and Intimidation, and the Need for a Federal Legislative Response
For the past several years, the health care field has experienced a sharp increase in workplace
violence. The COVID-19 pandemic placed significant stress on the entire health care system, and
in some situations, patients, visitors and family members have attacked health care staff and
jeopardized our workforce’s ability to provide care.
Fact Sheet: Medicare Sequester Relief Extension Needed for Health Providers
AHA highlights the need to suspend Medicare sequester cuts for healthcare providers in this fact sheet on Medicare sequestration relief extension.
Fact Sheet: Provider/Health Plan Contracting Provisions Reduce Access to Care
The Bipartisan Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act (S. 2840) includes a provision that would prevent doctors and hospitals from negotiating reasonable agreements with commercial health insurance plans.
Fact Sheet: Advocacy Priorities for Fall 2022
America’s hospitals and health systems continue to deal with the difficult challenges of high inflation and ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, hospitals are facing significant increases in costs of labor from workforce shortages, drugs, equipment and supplies (including food and energy costs) that are threatening their stability and ability to provide access to high quality health care services. The AHA has developed resources that hospital leaders can use to advocate on these important issues.
Fact Sheet: Statutory PAYGO Sequester Relief Needed for Health Providers
The Issue
The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have resulted in historic challenges for hospitals and health systems an
Fact Sheet: Extending the Acute Hospital Care at Home Program Beyond the End of the COVID-19 PHE
The AHA urges Congress and the Biden Administration to extend the H@H program as currently authorized under the waiver to allow providers to continue to take steps to transform care delivery in a way that improves patient experience and outcomes while ensuring high patient safety. The Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act (S. 3792, H.R. 7053), bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Carper (D-DE) and Scott (R-SC) and Congressmen Blumenauer (D-OR) and Wenstrup (R-OH), would provide a two-year extension of the current H@H waiver.
Fact Sheet: Strengthening the Health Care Workforce
The AHA urges Congress and the Biden Administration to prioritize funding for the infrastructure that supports the health care workforce needs of the country in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and into the future.